Original Staff
Jennifer Anderson, MSW, LCSW, is an independent licensed clinical social worker. Jennifer is a graduate of the University of North Dakota Graduate School of Social Work earning a Master's degree in Social Work. She began her career as a in-patient therapist at Prairie St. John's, a local psychiatric hospital, then later as an out-patient clinical therapist at Catholic Charities North Dakota until Jennifer started Redeeming Grace Counseling, PLLC November 5, 2018.
Jennifer holds a Bachelors of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. In addition, Jennifer has sought out specialized training and supervision in leading evidence-based treatment modalities.
Jennifer offers Catholic Christian faith-based counseling for those individuals, couples, and families who wish to integrate aspects of their faith and spirituality into therapy. Jennifer practices the Catholic faith and respects all view-points, faiths and spiritual traditions. Jennifer is married to Greg and has 2 adult children. Jennifer and Greg are active members of the Cathedral of St. Mary and she volunteers her time as Lector, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Adoration, and special events.

Jennifer, Bishop John Folda, Diocese of Fargo, and husband, Greg.
Real Presence Radio Live Drive With Hosts Wendy Templeton And Joe Worthing
Diocese of Fargo Women's Conference March 11, 2017
Speaking on Women and Guilt
NDSU Bison Football Game Tailgating Greg and Jennifer and their dogs, Frankie & +Beanie.
Jennifer and daughter, Kathryn.
Family! Zander, Kathryn, Jennifer, and Greg. August 2019.
Congratulations to daughter, Dr. Kathryn Langevin, DMD (Dr. of Dental Medicine). May 2018.
Mom and kids
Visiting the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC https://www.nationalshrine.org/ June 2016. Jennifer posing with this cardboard cutout of Pope Francis. She and Greg would like to travel to see him in person soon!
Ice Skating
Jennifer's entire family tubing at Detroit Mountaint, Detroit Lakes, MN. December 2018.
We love our Cruise Ships! This was Valentine's Day 2018 on yes, The Love Boat on the Princess Cruise Line.
Jennifer and Greg Washington, DC 2014
Son, Zander's graduation from Davie's High School 2015.
RGC Employee Benefits
Time away from work is important to re-energize and maintain a healthy balance between one's personal life and work responsibilities. Paid Time Off (PTO) is a time-off policy designed for eligible fulltime employees to use for vacation, illness or injury of self or family members, medical appointments that cannot be scheduled outside of working hours, inclement weather, or personal business.
Benefits will begin on 1/1/25
All full-time employees will receive PTO based on the following:
2 weeks: 0 - 3 years
3 weeks: 4 – 6 years
4 weeks: 7+ years
Holy Day & Holiday time-off will be granted to all full-time employees on the holidays listed below. However, holiday time-off is determined and approved annually by Management and accordingly paid holidays may vary each year.
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God/New Year's Day (January 1)
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
Independence Day (July 4)
Labor Day (first Monday in September)
Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November)
The Day after Thanksgiving (fourth Friday in November)
Christmas Eve (December 24)
Christmas (December 25)
Employee's Birthday
One Personal Day
Redeeming Grace Counseling believes it is vitally important that its staff members and their families be adequately protected from the costs of illness and other misfortunes.
Starting 1/1/25, Redeeming Grace Counseling offers the following benefits to eligible full-time employees: Health, Dental, and Vision.
Jennifer is highly organized, efficient, flexible and has in-depth knowledge of the Catholic faith
Jennifer has provided the Diocese of Fargo with incredible presentations for our Marriage Prep Seminar. Her thorough knowledge and understanding of how communication & conflict resolution works within a couple’s relationship is evident. This is clearly demonstrated in her ability to lead the couples in fun and engaging activities that help them explore the many facets of communication. Jennifer is highly organized, efficient, flexible and has in-depth knowledge of the Catholic faith, making her easy to work with for our Marriage Preparation Program!
Jennie Korsmo, Marriage Preparation Coordinator, Diocese of Fargo
She Helped me Save my Marriage and to Reconnect With my Adult Children
I went through a very difficult time in my life which affected not only myself but my adult children and my husband. I had been going through counseling with a psychologist for 9 months with a different large facility. Things just seemed to be getting worse. I reached a point that I was going to move out after being married for almost 35 years. I blamed my husband as I always had. I thought if he would just change we would be fine. Through counseling with Jennifer, I had a breakthrough. I have had counseling numerous times throughout my adult life but it was finally last year that I discovered my part in the breakdown in my marriage; with my children; with my friends; and past employers. I knew I had anxiety but I didn't realize how my fight & flight affected all areas of my life. When there was any difficulty I would want to pick up and run. I didn't know how to stand up for myself. I didn't know how to effectively communicate my feelings. Jennifer helped me work through all of that. She helped me save my marriage and to reconnect with my adult children on a different level then I ever had before. Sometimes she would have me actually write down what I needed to say to convey what I needed them to know about what I was working on and through. Jennifer helped me recognize some unhealthy relationships I had. She taught me how to recognize when I was being taken advantage of and how to stand up for myself. She helped me "divorce" them. Jennifer also helped me recognize the unhealthy role social media was playing in my life and helped me to cut ties with that as well. The end of March 2020 will be one year of living without Facebook. I have found how much wasted time I had been spending on it and also the drama it was causing in my life. I didn't have to know what everybody in my whole world was up to. I haven't missed it. I'm a much healthier adult emotionally and psychologically at 57 now and I attribute that to Jennifer's counseling and my hard work over the course of 8 months. I'm thankful to God for placing Jennifer in my life. I know He played a huge role in my success. Thank you, Jennifer, for helping me through a very difficult time. I'm truly a better person because of my counseling with you. - Former Client
She Was Honest About Areas That I Needed Help With
I had gone to counseling with Jennifer after going through the Vetitum/ Annulment process through The Diocese of Fargo. I found Jennifer very easy to talk to and she was very honest about areas that I needed help with. She made me feel very comfortable. Jennifer was very professional and was a very good listener. I never felt intimidated by her. Jennifer gave me confidence and self worth. - Former Client
She Helped me to Address the Difficulties in my Life
I was very apprehensive about seeing a counselor. I went through the annulment process and part of my process involved seeing a counselor. Jennifer is an expert in Vetitum/Annulment Counseling for the Diocese of Fargo. I didn't understand the whole process and Jennifer took the time to explain what her part was in it. Jennifer made me feel very at ease. Jennifer is very professional, compassionate, and understanding. She helped me to address the difficulties in my life. Jennifer made me feel confident and have self worth. Jennifer is someone who I can trust and I know she truly wants to help. - Former Client
She Took the Stigma and Fear Out of Counseling and Made me Feel Comfortable
Jennifer is caring and kind, and catered our discussions to my individual personality and needs to make sure I was getting what I needed out of therapy. She took the stigma and fear out of counseling and made me feel comfortable. She let me lead the way and only pushed into areas I felt comfortable when I was open to it. She made it easy to be myself and gently worked with me when I started to close myself off. She also recognized when it was time for me to go out into the world and do my own work without her for a while, and made me confident I could make progress using the tools and suggestions she had given me. - Former Client
Vetitum/Annulment Counseling Became a Healing Process For Me.
I was given Jennifer’s name for Vetitum/Annulment counseling prior to getting remarried. Going into our intake session, I was apprehensive and anxious about how it would go. Jennifer completely put me at ease from our first moments together. She was empathetic, non-judgmental and listened to my concerns. More than anything, she was able to help me understand the entire process of the vetitum and as a result, it became more of a healing process for me. I felt secure from the beginning knowing that she was an advocate for me. I won’t hesitate to use Jennifer’s services in the future myself and would recommend her to anyone needing a professional in the field. - Former Client
Vetitum/Annulment Process was Comfortable and Fruitful
I was pleased with services for counseling for my annulment process through Redeeming Grace Counseling, my only regret was not doing it sooner. Jennifer made the process comfortable and fruitful. I believe my second marriage is on a much firmer foundation thanks to the annulment process with Jennifer’s professional assistance. I highly recommend Jennifer. - Former Client
Nurturing When Necessary and Blatantly Truthful When Needed
Jennifer helped me with several relational issues. She was nurturing when necessary and blatantly truthful when needed. She gave all of her expertise and attention at every session. I felt personally cared for, not like just another number. I have recommended her to family and friends and will continue to do so. When you find a "good one" you want to pass it on. - Former Client
Helped me Gain Insight
Jennifer had a huge job in front of her when she took me on as a client. She helped me gain insight to some of the trauma I have suffered and why I feel the way I do about things. She taught me how valuable self introspection can be. Knowledge of self is important. In learning that skill, she has taught me that being an introvert doesn’t mean I have to be a doormat either. I can speak up for myself, although I still struggle at times with that.
She and I share a love for God and others. She used her knowledge of the Lord and our faith to guide me on a path of deeper conversion, of forgiveness, and the fact that God values me. I’m still growing, still using those skills. My introversion meant that she had to use some tools of her trade to help me open up. She introduced me to books, conferences, and different places of faith where I could get more help, all the while guiding me in the presence of our Lord. Eternally thankful, Former Client
She Helped Me Find My Voice
Jennifer helped me to overcome many obstacles that I never thought I would've been able to conquer. She helped me find my voice and helped me to see what direction my life was headed and how to turn it around. Eternally grateful to you, Jennifer. - Former Client
I will forever be thankful I found Jennifer
Jennifer was there for me at a very difficult time in my life where I needed empathy, clarity, support, guidance, and validation. She helped me put things in perspective, when I had been living in a chaotic world full of lies, abuse and control. Jennifer is very skilled at treating you like you are God’s child, that you have worth and a real purpose. She helped me discover the inner strength I’ve always had but that I’d never given myself credit for. It’s hard to find the words to describe how much she helped me. I finished therapy feeling empowered, knowing exactly what the truth was, knowing my life has a purpose and that my dreams and goals are important, just as important as anyone else’s. She helped me to start the healing, so I then could better help my children in dealing with their abuse issues as well as physical health issues. I will forever be thankful I found Jennifer. - Former Client
Faith Integrated Counseling
I came to Jennifer for some help with some struggles I was having in my personal life. She was so caring and helped me with skills to deal with certain relationships in my life. I always felt completely comfortable and felt like I could share anything and everything. I also love that she adds the faith aspect in each meeting. - Former Client
Skilled Licensed Catholic Counselor
Mrs. Anderson is a skilled licensed counselor who also is able to provide caring services for faith-based counselees. Marriage and family counseling provides skills for success. She provides a variety of services including from Catholic Church referrals, to help achieve integration of spirituality. She consistently receives multiple compliments from her clients. Reverend Robert Irwin Diocese of Fargo Tribunal Office
Professionalism, Personality, and Humor
We loved having Jennifer speak at St. Joe's Advent by Candlelight! She brought a delightful mix of professionalism, personality, and humor to our annual parish event. Her love for the Lord and passion for her work and ministry were evident throughout the evening. As the event coordinator, I must add that she was kind, flexible, and easy to work with. With so many topics to choose from in her repertoire, we hope to have her back for another event in the future! Jessica Marks MACH 1 President St. Joseph Catholic Church Moorhead, Minnesota
Well Prepared, Articulate, Gracious & Easy to Work With
Jennifer Anderson came to St. John's @Wahpeton to present a mini afternoon retreat the Spring of 2018 to women of all ages. Her topic was Women & Guilt. She was very up front in her topic working our faith into the topic material. She met all the objectives that we had set for the event. She was well prepared, articulate, gracious, kind and so easy to work with in putting this event together. - Connie Brandt, St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Wahpeton, ND.
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~ Reviewer #3